People born on November 20th are charismatic and possess a strong intuition. At the same time, they’re friendly and can charm anyone with a smile and their intense emotions. They’re forceful and…

The zodiac calendar covers all 366 days of the year to provide personality insight and horoscope information.
People born on November 20th are charismatic and possess a strong intuition. At the same time, they’re friendly and can charm anyone with a smile and their intense emotions. They’re forceful and…
Being natives of a cusp, people whose birthday is on November 21st are influenced by the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. They’re charming and open to making new friends, as well enterprising…
People born on November 22nd borrow traits from both the Scorpio and the Sagittarius. The first sign indicates they’re attentive, passionate and very intuitive. The Archer makes them enthusiastic, compassionate, focused on…
Sagittarians whose birthday is on November 23rd are enthusiastic and sociable, also very enterprising. They seem to possess a special charm and to be very sincere, so they can easily make friends…
People born under the November 24th zodiac love to express themselves and are emotional. Their romantic side is always revealed, since they’re most of the time caring for their soul and want…
If there is for the November 25th Sagittarius to identify the goals they need to follow, it’s important they investigate their subconscious and study their emotions. This way, their talents can come…
November 26th Sagittarians are sensitive and possess a strong intuition. Their emotions are strong and their ideals high, not to mention they stand by their own views no matter what. These people…
Just like all Sagittarians, those born on November 27th have high ideals and a kind heart. They’re also charming and can win anyone over with their smile. Honest and straightforward but at…
Sagittarians born under the November 28th zodiac are easy going and inspiring. They don’t mind breaking the rules when looking to get the attention of others, but this doesn’t mean they have…
Sagittarians born on November 29th are optimistic, active and always ready for a new adventure. They also feel more comfortable when surrounded by their best friends. Most of the time, they’re positive…
Sagittarians born on November 30th are optimistic and inclined to enjoy all life’s pleasures. The busier they are, they more they become excited about life. Loving to travel, these natives can meet…