Leos born on July 23rd are proud, intelligent, sensitive, and extremely ambitious so they never stop until they get what they want. Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling body: the Sun Representative…

The zodiac calendar covers all 366 days of the year to provide personality insight and horoscope information.
Leos born on July 23rd are proud, intelligent, sensitive, and extremely ambitious so they never stop until they get what they want. Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling body: the Sun Representative…
Leos belonging to the July 24th zodiac are very analytic, responsible, and mature people who do what is necessary to succeed. They empathize with other people, and take the initiative when needed…
Leos with a July 25th zodiac are very fun to be around. With optimism and hopefulness, they are filled with vitality and talent and the more they know about themselves, the better…
Leo natives with a July 26th zodiac are compassionate towards their peers, determined, and resourceful. With confidence and exceeding self-esteem, they start on their path to success. Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire…
Leo natives with a July 27th zodiac are very charming and generous to their friends, and peers in general. They have strong intuitive powers which manifest in reality through their dominative and…
Leo natives with a July 28th zodiac are very emotional and sentimental, which translates to dynamism, enthusiasm, and a charming personality. They are generous, friendly, and born to take the lead. Symbol:…
Leos with a July 29th zodiac are intensely emotional, sensitive and can outplay anyone at expressing different feelings. With enough imagination and innovativeness, these natives are eclectic, performant, and charismatic. Symbol: The…
A Leo native born on July 30th is very imaginative and innovative, always coming up with new ideas that he or she wants to implement immediately. Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling…
Leos born on July 31st possess a special magnetism. They’re energetic and warm, and also make great leaders. Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling body: the Sun Representative color: Orange Characteristic flower:…
Great leaders, ambitious and always dramatic, Leos born on August 1st are creative and possess a strong intuition, not to mention they can be a force to be reckoned with. Symbol: The…
Leos born on August 2nd like being around others and to be admired or recognized for their abilities. They’re quite theatrical and want everyone to pay attention to their social status. Symbol:…