The Taurus born on May 12th is very responsible and resourceful, honest, and imaginative. Such a native would always be friendly and cheerful with friends and loved ones. Symbol: The Bull Element:…

The zodiac calendar covers all 366 days of the year to provide personality insight and horoscope information.
The Taurus born on May 12th is very responsible and resourceful, honest, and imaginative. Such a native would always be friendly and cheerful with friends and loved ones. Symbol: The Bull Element:…
People born on May 13th under the Taurus zodiac are likable and attractive to people. They are always easy to get around with, honest, and straight with their feelings. Symbol: The Bull…
Being born on May 14th under the Taurus sign means lots of practicality, pragmatism, and visionary perspectives. What’s missing is perseverance and the end to all that impulsivity. Symbol: The Bull Element:…
May 15 is a special date for Taurus natives. It directly impacts their emotional output and creative potential, while also dripping just a tad of practicality on their inner self. Symbol: The…
The May 16th birthdate shows a very imaginative and communicative personality, one founded on duality: on the one hand, an optimistic, authentic, and adventurous one, while the other is a pragmatic, practical,…
The Taurus natives born on May 17th have great dreams, big ambitions, and they are determined enough to achieve all of these goals. Moreover, they are very friendly, cheerful, and likable. Symbol:…
May 18th zodiac people are friendly, kind, and very keen on befriending others at once. They know how to coordinate combined efforts, and they are determined enough to succeed in life. Symbol:…
As much of a leader the May 19th zodiac native is, he or she is also strongly determined and ambitious to strike out through personal efforts. Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Ruling…
Taurus people born on May 20th are very likable and charismatic. No matter what they do, they will bewitch everyone with how graceful they are. Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Ruling planet:…
Geminis born under the May 21st zodiac have high spirits, are smart and determined to succeed. All the time energetic, they have a magnetism that attracts everyone. Symbol: The Twins Element: Air…
Geminis born on May 22nd can reach their true potential when realizing they’re intelligent, ambitious and have enough charisma to deal with others. Symbol: The Twins Element: Air Ruling planet: Mercury Representative…