Whenever someone has Saturn trine Uranus in the natal chart, they are likely to experience life in ingenious ways and to go through many changes in their professional lives.

Natal and transit interpretations of planets in trine
Whenever someone has Saturn trine Uranus in the natal chart, they are likely to experience life in ingenious ways and to go through many changes in their professional lives.
This aspect is about increased focus and quick decision making but these people need to pay attention and avoid becoming too judgmental.
This aspect revolves around staying optimistic about the future but at the same time keeping feet on the ground and not dreaming too much.
Someone born under this aspect benefits from high intuition levels and is somehow connected to the realm of arts.
For people with this aspect acceptance and adaptability are key elements in leading a fulfilled and joyful life.
This is a rather volatile aspect during which you will likely experience a change of heart regarding something you care very much about.