This aspect challenges people’s desires and makes them realize that some of their expectations might be unrealistic.

Natal and transit interpretations of planets in square
This aspect challenges people’s desires and makes them realize that some of their expectations might be unrealistic.
With Mercury square Mars in the natal chart, one’s defensive nature could potentially make it difficult for them to attain peace of mind and be pleased with themselves.
This aspect makes people crave for entertainment and exciting experiences but also for very domestic and loving relationships.
When this aspect in on, people can expect a number of surprising events and should become as adaptable as possible, not getting stuck when something new happens.
For someone born under this aspect it is very important to acknowledge their unique character and balance their way of living.
This aspect is known for granting a sight of the truth of the world and giving people a better understanding of the world around.
This aspect is all about communicating and exchanging feelings but people need to be careful about not becoming too opinionated.