Whenever someone has Moon square Jupiter in the natal chart, they tend to focus most of their energy on the relationships they have with those around, being quite sensible about these.

Natal and transit interpretations of planets in square
Whenever someone has Moon square Jupiter in the natal chart, they tend to focus most of their energy on the relationships they have with those around, being quite sensible about these.
Mercury in a square aspect to Pluto suggests an individual who can connect with others at a deeper level and who should work in life to become even more intuitive.
Having Jupiter square Saturn in the natal chart means you are very practical and don’t rest until you don’t see things happening, although sometimes you stress a little too much for your own good.
When Mars is in square to Jupiter, people become more physically expressive and tend to feel more comfortable in their own skin.
Having Moon square Mercury in the natal chart, one is quick to react to new challenges and is likely to feel very comfortable in their skin, with age.
The Jupiter square Pluto aspect makes for rebellious individuals who don’t like to conform to social demands and who only want to have it their way.
Having Mercury square Uranus in the natal chart, one is very original in their thinking but needs to take it slow in their life to avoid nervousness and stress.
Whenever someone has Mercury square Saturn in the natal chart, they need to overcome this internal battle between their desires and their needs, what they would like to happen and what they feel they should do.
With Mercury square Neptune in the natal chart, one should be using their rich imagination more, especially in endeavors that can benefit those around.
The optimistic Mercury Jupiter square aspect characterizes an individual who is quite relaxed and who should pay more attention in life to the way they communicate.
An individual with Saturn square Neptune will dwell between displays of innocence and a yearning for lust and temptation, never settling with either side.