In the case of the compassionate Neptune sextile Pluto aspect, individuals are feeling more connected to their spiritual side and can really trust their instincts.

Natal and transit interpretations of planets in sextile
In the case of the compassionate Neptune sextile Pluto aspect, individuals are feeling more connected to their spiritual side and can really trust their instincts.
The challenges and potential of Uranus sextile Pluto revolve around the individual’s need to stop fighting what they can’t control and to be more relaxed in their actions.
Venus sextile Pluto is an affectionate and motivating aspect that characterizes dynamic and inventive people who are quick to recognize and adapt to the rapid changes of life.
In the case of Sun sextile Pluto, the natal chart shows a dedicated and motivated individual who seeks a very customized kind of success in life.
An individual with Venus sextile Jupiter is like a social magnet, their luck being highly related to their collaborations with other people.
If born with a Mars Pluto sextile aspect, you can take any initiative when having to go on the offensive, which is usually bringing you a lot of success.
For Sun sextile Mars natal, having a combative spirit is a way of life, these people not being afraid to challenge anyone they think is wrong about something.
An individual with Moon sextile Venus often dwells between the very serious aspects of life and trivial, fun experiences, never being completely satisfied with the choices they are making.
Sun in a sextile aspect to the Moon creates an individual who is expressive and kind, known for their impressive talents but who needs to overcome personal indecision.
Those born under this aspect often become very resourceful in dealing with things they care very much about.
This aspect is suggestive of a personality who doesn’t doubt about many things in life and who digs very deep into any issue.