The ambitious Mars Neptune square aspect is suggestive of a person who prefers to have a direct approach in all life matters but who needs to work at building their confidence further.

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☌ Conjunction | ⚹ Sextile | △ Trine |
□ Square | ☍ Opposition | Aspects |
The ambitious Mars Neptune square aspect is suggestive of a person who prefers to have a direct approach in all life matters but who needs to work at building their confidence further.
Having Mars conjunct Pluto in the natal chart means you are strong and passionate about your plans but need to avoid the temptation to manipulate others.
The potential of Mars conjunct Jupiter revolves around the intensity at which these people live their lives but could be prevented by their sometimes agitated and obnoxious attitude.
Born under the intense Sun trine Pluto aspect, one should discover early in life that they are a force of the good and expected to really make an impact in others’ lives.
Sun in a square aspect to Saturn suggests an individual who pushes themselves very hard and is often very critical, even of their best achievements.
Whenever Sun conjunct Pluto is in a natal chart, that person is more wilful and determined to succeed than most of their peers and will overcome any obstacles.
When born under Sun conjunct Mars, one is likely very good at initiating things but will take a while to gain enough self-confidence to move things in life with courage.
Born under the tense Sun square Moon aspect, one is always going to stand up for themselves and those close, no matter how fierce their opposition.
The challenges and potential of Moon square Mars revolve around the individual’s strong emotional connection with their needs and the ways in which this governs their entire existence.
The resourceful Moon Pluto opposition aspect is characteristic for people who are marked by inquisitiveness and profound feelings in life and who would help anyone if they could.