For someone born under this aspect it is very important to acknowledge their unique character and balance their way of living.
Someone born under this aspect will be rather moody, moving wildly from being composed and peaceful to erratic and very emotional.
This aspect makes for creative expression and possible new loves and helps one attract into their life exactly what they want.
Someone born under this aspect benefits from high intuition levels and is somehow connected to the realm of arts.
This aspect is known for granting a sight of the truth of the world and giving people a better understanding of the world around.
The person born under this aspect is always trying to express their individuality and be free in all aspects of life.
For people with this aspect acceptance and adaptability are key elements in leading a fulfilled and joyful life.
When someone has this aspect in their chart, they should develop a decisive character and take joy from approaching things directly.
This aspect may cause people some confusion about their responsibilities but overall is a great time to connect with the surrounding world.
One born under this aspect will feel the need to take control and always pursue their very special definition of freedom.
This aspect is all about communicating and exchanging feelings but people need to be careful about not becoming too opinionated.
This is a rather volatile aspect during which you will likely experience a change of heart regarding something you care very much about.