The 5th House is a succedent house and ruled by the zodiac sign of the Leo, whereas its planet is the Sun. It stands for creativity, self-expression, entertainment, pleasure, playfulness, gambling, the…

The 5th House is a succedent house and ruled by the zodiac sign of the Leo, whereas its planet is the Sun. It stands for creativity, self-expression, entertainment, pleasure, playfulness, gambling, the…
The Sixth House is a cadent one, ruled by the zodiac sign of the Virgo and the planet Mercury. It’s the home of job and work, but not career, of methods and…
The 7th House is angular, ruled by the zodiac sign of Libra and the planet Venus. Its cusp is the special Descendant (DSC) angle. Here, the alter ego, companionship, one-on-connections, marriage, the…
A succedent House, the 8th is ruled by the zodiac sign of Scorpio and the planet Pluto. It’s also the home of transformations and crises, people’s attitude towards such situations, sex, rebirth,…
The 9th House is ruled by the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter. It stands for the people’s personal belief system, their sense of exploration and adventure, religion, higher education,…
The 10th House cusp is the special angle Midheaven (MC). This house is angular, also ruled by the zodiac sign of Capricorn and the planet Saturn. It stands for profession and career,…
The 11th House is a succedent one, also ruled by the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. It stands for friends and acquaintances, groups of people and organizations, dreams, goals…
The 12th House is cadent, ruled by Pisces and the planet Neptune. It stands for what’s hidden behind appearances, for Karma, the development of the soul and hidden powers but also weaknesses,…
Capricorns born on January 1st are ambitious, composed, also interested in occupying a position where they have authority. They know how to handle themselves and their life purpose because being like this…
Capricorns whose birthday is on January 2nd have many talents and are very good at organizing things, so it’s important for them to be put in charge. In fact, when they’re handling…
Capricorns born on January 3rd are responsible, determined to succeed and focused. They see life as this one big project and commit to anything for long-term, using all their resources and trying…