With Aries in the twelfth house you give a great importance to your loved ones and look up to their opinions more than you actually let it show.

Learn about the twelve houses in astrology and what they mean for your personality.
1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House |
4th House | 5th House | 6th House |
7th House | 8th House | 9th House |
10th House | 11th House | 12th House |
With Aries in the twelfth house you give a great importance to your loved ones and look up to their opinions more than you actually let it show.
Having Taurus in the twelfth house means that your need for security underpins many of your actions and even your choice of partner in life and business.
With Gemini in the twelfth house you can come up with many innovative ideas and be wittier than others, as well as rational.
Having Cancer in the twelfth house means that the comfort of your home values more than anything for you and building a close knit family is your secret wish.
Having Leo in the twelfth house means that your domineering side can sometimes prevent you from showing those around your true colors and how kind you can be.
Virgo in the twelfth house means you have this unique ability to see details that others may overlook and this will help you immensely in life.
With Libra in the twelfth house you may wish to appear independent and tough but deep inside you care very much about the relationships around you.
With Scorpio in the twelfth house you are beyond resourceful and should cultivate many of your hidden talents, as you get older.
Having Sagittarius in the twelfth house means you are easily inspired by others in your way of thinking but may also challenge yourself a little too much by worrying unnecessarily.
Having Capricorn in the twelfth house you possess the inner discipline to make all your dreams come true and should take things step by step in life.
Aquarius in the twelfth house means you can achieve balance in your life with some simple changes and leave aside your constant worries about what others may think of you.