The 5th House is a succedent house and ruled by the zodiac sign of the Leo, whereas its planet is the Sun. It stands for creativity, self-expression, entertainment, pleasure, playfulness, gambling, the…

The 5th House governs entertainment, childlike joy and experiences as well as the creativity and affection one displays to those around.
The 5th House is a succedent house and ruled by the zodiac sign of the Leo, whereas its planet is the Sun. It stands for creativity, self-expression, entertainment, pleasure, playfulness, gambling, the…
You may sometimes be perceived as too intense and overwhelming so make sure you give everyone the space they need.
You should be careful about holding on too much to material possessions and missing out on real life experiences.
Your hobbies are quite creative and often require a great deal of imagination, which often surprises those around you.
You should merge your feelings with your creativity, in order to express more easily and make peace with yourself.
You care a lot about your reputation and will rarely action on impulse, so that you don’t ruin what others may think of you.
You care very much about the people you have next to you and will often try to do anything in your powers to make their lives easier.
You can easily adapt to any situation but perhaps you should think more about your choices and decisions, before making them.
Your mind is very creative but you are also rather stubborn about doing things just like you want them.