The 4th House’s cusp forms the special IC (Immum Coeli) angle, which is also known as the nadir. This Fourth House is angular and ruled by the Cancer. Its ruler is the…

The 4th House governs our homes and families, all domestic matters and one’s unconscious beliefs about what matters in life.
The 4th House’s cusp forms the special IC (Immum Coeli) angle, which is also known as the nadir. This Fourth House is angular and ruled by the Cancer. Its ruler is the…
You take ownership of your actions and possess abundant leadership qualities but you sometimes forget about your duties.
Your life is all about pleasure and sensuality but you are also a rather responsible person when it comes to serious matters.
You are compassionate about others but prefer to be reserved when it comes to being involved in group endeavours.
You are likely to treat your friends like family and are often very sacrificing when it comes to their needs.
You tend to focus a little too much on yourself, often overlooking the needs and desires of those around you.
You should be more mindful of the present and avoid stressing too much about what the future may bring.
You should be mindful of the expectations you are putting on your family, not to create too big of a burden on them.
You are always craving to be involved in different activities and may not be able to cope very well with a routine.
You must find different outlets to externalize your emotions, rather than project your negative feelings on those around.