The 2nd House in the Western Zodiac stands for value, material possession and personal finances. The planets in this house in a birth chart indicate how much material security people need. Planets…

The 2nd House governs the financial realm, worldly possessions and the life’s pleasures and indulgences we all like to take.
The 2nd House in the Western Zodiac stands for value, material possession and personal finances. The planets in this house in a birth chart indicate how much material security people need. Planets…
You are definitely a go-getter, someone who has no issue doing what they must do and meeting any challenges.
You are sure to seize any easy money-making opportunities and you take little time to decide what you want to do.
You care a lot about your possessions, take good care of them and are unhappy when something breaks or is lost.
Your personality is easily noticed wherever you may go but you need to ground yourself to basic life values.
You care about money and a comfortable life but also wish to pursue plans that make you truly happy.
You are quite concerned with the image you have in front of others and with the value of your possessions.